Module fish

less: look around just a little, guess where to search.
(c) 2023 Tim Menzies, BSD-2

./ -f csvfile [OPTIONS] [ -g ACTION ]
cat csvfile | ./ [OPTIONS] [ -g ACTION ]

-b –bins max number of bins = 16
-c –cohen size significant separation = .35
-f –file data csv file = ../data/auto93.csv
-g –go start-up action = nothing
-h –help show help = False
-l –lazy lazy mode = False
-m –min min size = .5
-p –p distance coeffecient = 2
-r –rest ratio best:rest = 4
-s –seed random number seed = 1234567891
-t –top explore top ranges = 8
-w –want goal = mitigate

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#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
#vim: set et sts=2 sw=2 ts=2 : 
  less: look around just a little, guess where to search.  
  (c) 2023 Tim Menzies <>, BSD-2  

  ./ -f csvfile [OPTIONS] [ -g ACTION ]   
  cat csvfile | ./ [OPTIONS] [ -g ACTION ]    

  -b  --bins    max number of bins    = 16  
  -c  --cohen   size significant separation = .35  
  -f  --file    data csv file         = ../data/auto93.csv  
  -g  --go      start-up action       = nothing    
  -h  --help    show help             = False  
  -l  --lazy    lazy mode             = False  
  -m  --min     min size              = .5  
  -p  --p       distance coeffecient  = 2    
  -r  --rest    ratio best:rest       = 4  
  -s  --seed    random number seed    = 1234567891  
  -t  --top     explore top  ranges   = 8  
  -w  --want    goal                  = mitigate"""
from fileinput import FileInput as file_or_stdin
import traceback,random,math,sys,re
from termcolor import colored
from functools import cmp_to_key
from ast import literal_eval
class pretty(object):
  "Objects support pretty print, hiding privates slots (those starting with `_`)"
  def __repr__(i):
    return i.__class__.__name__+str({k:v for k,v in i.__dict__.items() if k[0] != "_"})
class ROW(pretty):
  "Place to store cells and meta-knowledge about those cells."
  def __init__(i, cells=[]): i.cells,i.klass = cells,None
  def at(i,col): return i.cells[]
class COL(pretty):
  "COLumns know the name, position and the count of rows seen."
  def __init__(i, txt="",at=0): i.n,,i.txt = 0,at,txt
  def add(i,x):
    "Ignoring empty cells, increment `n` then do the adding."
    if x != "?":
      i.n += 1
    return x
  def dist(i,x,y):
    "distance between two values"
    return 1 if x=="?" and y=="?" else i.dist1(x,y)
  def sub(i,x):
    "Ignoring empty cells, decrement `n` then do the sub-trcting."
    if x != "?":
      i.n -= 1
    return x
class NUM(COL):
  "Summarize stream of numbers. Knows the mean and standard deviation."
  def __init__(i, txt="",at=0):
    i.w = -1 if len(i.txt) > 0 and i.txt[-1] == "-" else 1 = i.m2 = 0
    i.lo, i.hi = big, -big 
  def add1(i,x):
    "Update `lo,hi` and the variables needed to calculate stdev."
    i.lo = min(x, i.lo)
    i.hi = max(x, i.hi)
    delta = x - += delta/i.n
    i.m2 += delta*(x -
  def dist1(i,x,y):
    "distance between two values"
    if   x=="?": y = i.norm(y); x= 0 if y > .5 else 1
    elif y=="?": x = i.norm(x); y= 0 if x > .5 else 1
    else: x,y = i.norm(x), i.norm(y)
    return abs(x - y)
  def div(i, decimals=None):
    "Return diversity around the central tendency."
    return rnd((i.m2/(i.n - 1))**.5 if i.m2>0 and i.n > 1 else 0, decimals)
  def mid(i, decimals=None):
    "Return central tendency."
    return rnd(, decimals)
  def norm(i,x):
    "May `x` to 0..1 for `lo` to `hi`."
    return x if x=="?" else  (x-i.lo)/(i.hi - i.lo + 1/big)
  def sub1(i,x):
    "decrement count"
    if i.n <= 1:
       i.n,, i.m2 = 0, 0, 0
      d = x - -= d / i.n
      i.m2 -= d * (x -
class SYM(COL):
  "Summary a stream of symbols. Knows mode and entropy."
  def __init__(i,txt="",at=0):
    i.counts,i.mode, i.most = {},None,0
  def add1(i,x):
    "Increment counts and mode."
    now = i.counts[x] = 1 + i.counts.get(x,0)
    if now > i.most: i.most, i.mode = now, x
  def dist1(i,x,y):
    "distance between two values"
    return 0 if x==y else 1
  def div(i, decimals=None):
    "Return diversity around the central tendency."
    a = i.counts
    return rnd( - sum(a[k]/i.n * math.log(a[k]/i.n,2) for k in a if a[k] > 0), decimals)
  def mid(i,decimals=None):
    "Return central tendency."
    return i.mode
  def sub1(i,x):
    "Decrements counts."
    i.counts[x] -= 1
    assert 0 <= i.counts[x]
class COLS(pretty):
  "Convert a list of names into NUMs and SYMs (kept different binds of cols in different lists)."
  def __init__(i,names):
    i.x, i.y, i.names = [],[],names
    i.all = [(NUM if s[0].isupper() else SYM)(at=n,txt=s) for n,s in enumerate(names)]
    for col in i.all:
      z = col.txt[-1]
      if z != "X":
        if z=="!": i.klass= col
        (i.y if z in "-+!" else i.x).append(col)
  def add(i,row):
    "Add a row's data to all the non-skipped columns."
    for cols in [i.x, i.y]:
      for col in cols: col.add(
    return row
class DATA(pretty):
  "Keep `rows` of data, summarized into col`umns."
  def __init__(i,src=[]):
    i.cols, i.rows = None,[]
    [i.add(row) for row in src]
  def add(i,row):
    "For first row, build the `cols`. Otherwise, update summaries and the rows."
    if i.cols: i.rows += [i.cols.add(row)]
    else:      i.cols = COLS(row.cells)
  def clone(i,rows=[]):
    "Replicate structure of self."
    return DATA([ROW(i.cols.names)] + rows)
  def dist(i,row1,row2):
    "distance between two values"
    return (sum(c.dist(row1.cells[], row2.cells[]) for c in i.cs.x)**the.p
           / len(i.cols.x))**(1/the.p)
  def sort2(i,row1,row2):
    "Return True if `row1` better than `row2`."
    s1, s2, n = 0, 0, len(i.cols.y)
    for col in i.cols.y:
      a, b = col.norm(, col.norm(
      s1  -= math.exp(col.w * (a - b) / n)
      s2  -= math.exp(col.w * (b - a) / n)
    return s1 / n < s2 / n
  def sorted(i,rows=[]):
    "Sort all `rows`."
    return sorted(rows or i.rows, key=cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: i.sort2(a,b)))
  def stats(i,cols=None, fun="mid", decimals=2):
    "Report statistics on a set of `col`umns (defaults to `i.cols.y`."
    cols = cols or i.cols.y
    def what(col): return col.mid(decimals) if fun=="mid" else col.div(decimals)
    return BAG(mid=BAG(**{"N+":cols[0].n, **{col.txt:what(col) for col in cols}}))
# operators, used in trees
ops = {">"  : lambda x,y: x=="?" or y=="?" or x>y,
       "<=" : lambda x,y: x=="?" or y=="?" or x<=y,
       "==" : lambda x,y: x=="?" or y=="?" or x==y,
       "!=" : lambda x,y: x=="?" or y=="?" or x!=y}
"""Operators used in decision tree."""

neg = { ">"  :  "<=",
        "<=" :  ">",
        "==" :  "!=",
        "!=" :  "==" }
"""Negation of operators."""
# tree generation
class TREE(object):
  "Recursively split on the cut (that most distinguishes different klasses)."
  def __init__(i,data):
    lst   = data.sorted()
    n     = int(len(lst)**the.min)
    bests = lst[-n:]
    rests = lst[:n*]
    for row in bests: row.klass = True
    for row in rests: row.klass = False = data
    top =
    i.stop = 2*len(top.rows)**the.min
    i.root = i.grow(top.rows,  BAG(here=top,at=None))

  def grow(i,rows, t):
    t.left,t.right = None,None
    if len(rows) >= i.stop:
      _,at,op,cut,s = i.cut(,, rows)
      if cut:
        left,right = [],[]
        [(left if ops[op](row.cells[at], cut) else right).append(row) for row in rows]
        if len(left) != len(rows) and len(right) != len(rows):
          t.left = i.grow(left,  BAG(, at=at,cut=cut,txt=s,op=op))
          t.right= i.grow(right, BAG(,at=at,cut=cut,txt=s,op=neg[op]))
    return t

  def cut(i,data,cols,rows):
    "Return best `div,at,op,cut,txt` that most divides the klasses in `rows`."
    def sym(col):
      "For syms, just return the one with least diversity of klasses."
      d = {}
      for row in rows:
        x =
        if x !=  "?":
          d[x] = d.get(x, None) or SYM()
          d[x].cut = x
      best = sorted(d.values(), key=lambda s:s.div())[0]
      return best.div(),,"==",best.cut if best.n < col.n else None,col.txt
    def num(col):
      "For nums, just return the cut that most reduces expected diversity."
      X     = lambda row:
      eps   = col.div()*the.cohen
      small = len(rows)**the.min
      all   = sorted([row for row in rows if X(row) != "?"], key=X)
      d1,d2,a,z = SYM(), SYM(), X(all[0]), X(all[-1])
      [d2.add(row.klass) for row in all]
      cut,n2,lo = None,len(all),d2.div()
      for n1,row in enumerate(all):
        n2, x, y = n2-1, X(row), row.klass
        d2.sub( d1.add(y) )
        if n1 > small and n2 > small and x != X(all[n1+1]) and x-a > eps and z-x > eps:
          xpect = (d1.div()*n1 + d2.div()*n2)/(n1+n2)
          if xpect < lo:
            cut,lo = x,xpect
      return lo,,"<=",cut,col.txt
    return sorted([(num(col) if isa(col,NUM) else sym(col)) for col in cols])[0]

  def show(i):
    for lvl,t,isLeaf in i.nodes():
      if lvl==0:
        print("\n"+("|.. " * lvl)+ f"{t.txt} {t.op} {t.cut} ",end="")
        if isLeaf:  print(,end="")

  def nodes(i,t=None,lvl=0):
    t = t or i.root
    yield lvl,t,t.left==None
    for t1 in [t.left,t.right]:
      if t1:
        for lvl2,t2,isLeaf in i.nodes(t1,lvl+1): yield lvl2,t2, isLeaf

R   = random.random      # short cut to random number generator
isa = isinstance         # short cut for checking types

big = 1E30
"""large numbers"""

class BAG(dict):
  "Dictionaries that can be accessed via `x[\"slot\"]` or `x.slot`."
  __getattr__ = dict.get

  "Parse settings from string."
  def __init__(i,s):
    for m in re.finditer(r"\n\s*-\w+\s*--(\w+)[^=]*=\s*(\S+)",s): i[m[1]] = coerce(m[2])
  def cli(i):
    """For k,v in i, update `v` if there is a command-line flag `-k[0]` or `--k`. Note
    that bookean values need no argument (since we will just negate `v`)."""
    for k,v in i.items():
      v = str(v)
      for j,x in enumerate(sys.argv):
        if ("-"+k[0]) == x or ("--"+k) == x:
          v = "True" if v=="False" else ("False" if v=="True" else sys.argv[j+1])
      i[k] = coerce(v)
  def showHelp(i,s):
    "pretty print help string"
    def bold(m):   return colored(m[0], attrs=["bold"])
    def bright(m): return colored(m[0], "light_yellow")
    def pretty(s): return re.sub("\n[A-Z][A-Z]+:", bold, re.sub(" [-][-]?[\S]+", bright, s))
    [print(pretty(f"  -g   {k:8} {f.__doc__}")) for k,f in Egs.all.items() if k[0].isupper()]

def coerce(x):
  try: return literal_eval(x)
  except: return x

def csv(file, filter=ROW):
  "Returns an iterator that returns lists from standard input (-) or a file."
  if file=="-": file=None
  with file_or_stdin(file) as src:
    for line in src:
      line = re.sub(r'([\n\t\r"\' ]|#.*)', '', line)
      if line:
        yield filter([coerce(s.strip()) for s in line.split(",")])

def rnd(x,decimals=None):
  return x if decimals==None else round(x,decimals)

def yell(s,c):
  "Print string `s`, colored by `c`."
class Egs:
  "Place to store the examples."
  all = locals()

  csv = [ "pom.csv",

  def ok():
    "Run everything (except ok,h). Return how often something fails."
    fails, saved = 0, {k:v for k,v in the.items()}
    for what,fun in Egs.all.items():
      if what[0].isupper():
        yell(what + " ","yellow")
        fail = Egs.failure(saved,fun)
        yell(" FAIL\n","red") if fail else yell(" PASS\n","green")
        fails += fail
    yell(f"TOTAL FAILURE(s) = {fails}\n", "red" if fails > 0 else "cyan")

  def failure(saved,fun):
    """Called by `Egs.ok`. `Fun` fails if it returns `False` or if it crashes.
    If it crashes, print the stack dump but then continue on
    Before running it, reset the system to  initial conditions."""
    for k,v in saved.items(): the[k] = v
    fail = False
    try:    fail = fun() == False  # here, fail might be reset to True
    except: fail = True; traceback.print_exc()
    return fail

  def The():
    "print the settings"

  def Rnd():
    "rnd to 2 decimals"
    return 3.14 == rnd(math.pi,2)

  def Num(txt=""):
    "test NUMs"
    n = NUM(txt)
    for x in range(10**4):  n.add(R()**.5)
    return .66 < n.mid() < .67 and .23 <  n.div() < .24 and n

  def Sym(txt=""):
    "test SYMs"
    [s.add(x) for x in "aaaabbc"]
    return "a"==s.mid() and 1.37 <= s.div() < 1.38 and s

  def Rows():
    "Check we can load rows from file."
    for row in list(csv(the.file))[:5]: print(row) #[:5]: print(row)

  def Col():
    "Check we can convert names to NUMs and SYMs."
    [print(x) for x in COLS(["name","Age","Weight-"]).all]

  def Data():
    "Can we load data and get its stats?"

  def Clone():
    "Can we replicate a DATA's structure?"
    d1 = DATA(csv(the.file))
    d2= d1.clone(d1.rows)

  def Sorts():
    "Can we sort rows into `best` and `rest`?"
    d = DATA(csv(the.file))
    lst = d.sorted()
    m   = int(len(lst)**.5)
    best= d.clone(lst[-m:]);         print("all ",d.stats())
    best= d.clone(lst[-m:]);         print("best",best.stats())
    rest= d.clone(lst[:m*]); print("rest",rest.stats())

  def Nodes():
    "Does the TREE iterator work?"
    t1 = TREE(DATA(csv(the.file)))
    for lvl,t2,isLeaf in t1.nodes():
        print("|.. " * lvl,isLeaf)

  def Tree():
    "Does the TREE pretty print work?"
    TREE( DATA(csv(the.file)) ).show()

  def Trees():
    "Test all tree generation of all csv files."
    for f in Egs.csv:
      TREE( DATA(csv(f"../data/{f}")) ).show()


the = SETTINGS(__doc__)
"""Config options, parsed from `__doc__`"""
random.seed(the.seed)    # set random number seed

if __name__ == "__main__":
  if the.showHelp(__doc__)
  elif the.go in Egs.all and callable(Egs.all[the.go]):

Global variables

var ops

Operators used in decision tree.

var neg

Negation of operators.

var big

large numbers

var the

Config options, parsed from __doc__


def R()

random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).

def coerce(x)
Expand source code
def coerce(x):
  try: return literal_eval(x)
  except: return x
def csv(file, filter=fish.ROW)

Returns an iterator that returns lists from standard input (-) or a file.

Expand source code
def csv(file, filter=ROW):
  "Returns an iterator that returns lists from standard input (-) or a file."
  if file=="-": file=None
  with file_or_stdin(file) as src:
    for line in src:
      line = re.sub(r'([\n\t\r"\' ]|#.*)', '', line)
      if line:
        yield filter([coerce(s.strip()) for s in line.split(",")])
def rnd(x, decimals=None)
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def rnd(x,decimals=None):
  return x if decimals==None else round(x,decimals)
def yell(s, c)

Print string s, colored by c.

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def yell(s,c):
  "Print string `s`, colored by `c`."


class pretty

Objects support pretty print, hiding privates slots (those starting with _)

Expand source code
class pretty(object):
  "Objects support pretty print, hiding privates slots (those starting with `_`)"
  def __repr__(i):
    return i.__class__.__name__+str({k:v for k,v in i.__dict__.items() if k[0] != "_"})


class ROW (cells=[])

Place to store cells and meta-knowledge about those cells.

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class ROW(pretty):
  "Place to store cells and meta-knowledge about those cells."
  def __init__(i, cells=[]): i.cells,i.klass = cells,None
  def at(i,col): return i.cells[]



def at(i, col)
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def at(i,col): return i.cells[]
class COL (txt='', at=0)

COLumns know the name, position and the count of rows seen.

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class COL(pretty):
  "COLumns know the name, position and the count of rows seen."
  def __init__(i, txt="",at=0): i.n,,i.txt = 0,at,txt
  def add(i,x):
    "Ignoring empty cells, increment `n` then do the adding."
    if x != "?":
      i.n += 1
    return x
  def dist(i,x,y):
    "distance between two values"
    return 1 if x=="?" and y=="?" else i.dist1(x,y)
  def sub(i,x):
    "Ignoring empty cells, decrement `n` then do the sub-trcting."
    if x != "?":
      i.n -= 1
    return x




def add(i, x)

Ignoring empty cells, increment n then do the adding.

Expand source code
def add(i,x):
  "Ignoring empty cells, increment `n` then do the adding."
  if x != "?":
    i.n += 1
  return x
def dist(i, x, y)

distance between two values

Expand source code
def dist(i,x,y):
  "distance between two values"
  return 1 if x=="?" and y=="?" else i.dist1(x,y)
def sub(i, x)

Ignoring empty cells, decrement n then do the sub-trcting.

Expand source code
def sub(i,x):
  "Ignoring empty cells, decrement `n` then do the sub-trcting."
  if x != "?":
    i.n -= 1
  return x
class NUM (txt='', at=0)

Summarize stream of numbers. Knows the mean and standard deviation.

Expand source code
class NUM(COL):
  "Summarize stream of numbers. Knows the mean and standard deviation."
  def __init__(i, txt="",at=0):
    i.w = -1 if len(i.txt) > 0 and i.txt[-1] == "-" else 1 = i.m2 = 0
    i.lo, i.hi = big, -big 
  def add1(i,x):
    "Update `lo,hi` and the variables needed to calculate stdev."
    i.lo = min(x, i.lo)
    i.hi = max(x, i.hi)
    delta = x - += delta/i.n
    i.m2 += delta*(x -
  def dist1(i,x,y):
    "distance between two values"
    if   x=="?": y = i.norm(y); x= 0 if y > .5 else 1
    elif y=="?": x = i.norm(x); y= 0 if x > .5 else 1
    else: x,y = i.norm(x), i.norm(y)
    return abs(x - y)
  def div(i, decimals=None):
    "Return diversity around the central tendency."
    return rnd((i.m2/(i.n - 1))**.5 if i.m2>0 and i.n > 1 else 0, decimals)
  def mid(i, decimals=None):
    "Return central tendency."
    return rnd(, decimals)
  def norm(i,x):
    "May `x` to 0..1 for `lo` to `hi`."
    return x if x=="?" else  (x-i.lo)/(i.hi - i.lo + 1/big)
  def sub1(i,x):
    "decrement count"
    if i.n <= 1:
       i.n,, i.m2 = 0, 0, 0
      d = x - -= d / i.n
      i.m2 -= d * (x -



def add1(i, x)

Update lo,hi and the variables needed to calculate stdev.

Expand source code
def add1(i,x):
  "Update `lo,hi` and the variables needed to calculate stdev."
  i.lo = min(x, i.lo)
  i.hi = max(x, i.hi)
  delta = x - += delta/i.n
  i.m2 += delta*(x -
def dist1(i, x, y)

distance between two values

Expand source code
def dist1(i,x,y):
  "distance between two values"
  if   x=="?": y = i.norm(y); x= 0 if y > .5 else 1
  elif y=="?": x = i.norm(x); y= 0 if x > .5 else 1
  else: x,y = i.norm(x), i.norm(y)
  return abs(x - y)
def div(i, decimals=None)

Return diversity around the central tendency.

Expand source code
def div(i, decimals=None):
  "Return diversity around the central tendency."
  return rnd((i.m2/(i.n - 1))**.5 if i.m2>0 and i.n > 1 else 0, decimals)
def mid(i, decimals=None)

Return central tendency.

Expand source code
def mid(i, decimals=None):
  "Return central tendency."
  return rnd(, decimals)
def norm(i, x)

May x to 0..1 for lo to hi.

Expand source code
def norm(i,x):
  "May `x` to 0..1 for `lo` to `hi`."
  return x if x=="?" else  (x-i.lo)/(i.hi - i.lo + 1/big)
def sub1(i, x)

decrement count

Expand source code
def sub1(i,x):
  "decrement count"
  if i.n <= 1:
     i.n,, i.m2 = 0, 0, 0
    d = x - -= d / i.n
    i.m2 -= d * (x -

Inherited members

class SYM (txt='', at=0)

Summary a stream of symbols. Knows mode and entropy.

Expand source code
class SYM(COL):
  "Summary a stream of symbols. Knows mode and entropy."
  def __init__(i,txt="",at=0):
    i.counts,i.mode, i.most = {},None,0
  def add1(i,x):
    "Increment counts and mode."
    now = i.counts[x] = 1 + i.counts.get(x,0)
    if now > i.most: i.most, i.mode = now, x
  def dist1(i,x,y):
    "distance between two values"
    return 0 if x==y else 1
  def div(i, decimals=None):
    "Return diversity around the central tendency."
    a = i.counts
    return rnd( - sum(a[k]/i.n * math.log(a[k]/i.n,2) for k in a if a[k] > 0), decimals)
  def mid(i,decimals=None):
    "Return central tendency."
    return i.mode
  def sub1(i,x):
    "Decrements counts."
    i.counts[x] -= 1
    assert 0 <= i.counts[x]



def add1(i, x)

Increment counts and mode.

Expand source code
def add1(i,x):
  "Increment counts and mode."
  now = i.counts[x] = 1 + i.counts.get(x,0)
  if now > i.most: i.most, i.mode = now, x
def dist1(i, x, y)

distance between two values

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def dist1(i,x,y):
  "distance between two values"
  return 0 if x==y else 1
def div(i, decimals=None)

Return diversity around the central tendency.

Expand source code
def div(i, decimals=None):
  "Return diversity around the central tendency."
  a = i.counts
  return rnd( - sum(a[k]/i.n * math.log(a[k]/i.n,2) for k in a if a[k] > 0), decimals)
def mid(i, decimals=None)

Return central tendency.

Expand source code
def mid(i,decimals=None):
  "Return central tendency."
  return i.mode
def sub1(i, x)

Decrements counts.

Expand source code
def sub1(i,x):
  "Decrements counts."
  i.counts[x] -= 1
  assert 0 <= i.counts[x]

Inherited members

class COLS (names)

Convert a list of names into NUMs and SYMs (kept different binds of cols in different lists).

Expand source code
class COLS(pretty):
  "Convert a list of names into NUMs and SYMs (kept different binds of cols in different lists)."
  def __init__(i,names):
    i.x, i.y, i.names = [],[],names
    i.all = [(NUM if s[0].isupper() else SYM)(at=n,txt=s) for n,s in enumerate(names)]
    for col in i.all:
      z = col.txt[-1]
      if z != "X":
        if z=="!": i.klass= col
        (i.y if z in "-+!" else i.x).append(col)
  def add(i,row):
    "Add a row's data to all the non-skipped columns."
    for cols in [i.x, i.y]:
      for col in cols: col.add(
    return row



def add(i, row)

Add a row's data to all the non-skipped columns.

Expand source code
def add(i,row):
  "Add a row's data to all the non-skipped columns."
  for cols in [i.x, i.y]:
    for col in cols: col.add(
  return row
class DATA (src=[])

Keep rows of data, summarized into col`umns.

Expand source code
class DATA(pretty):
  "Keep `rows` of data, summarized into col`umns."
  def __init__(i,src=[]):
    i.cols, i.rows = None,[]
    [i.add(row) for row in src]
  def add(i,row):
    "For first row, build the `cols`. Otherwise, update summaries and the rows."
    if i.cols: i.rows += [i.cols.add(row)]
    else:      i.cols = COLS(row.cells)
  def clone(i,rows=[]):
    "Replicate structure of self."
    return DATA([ROW(i.cols.names)] + rows)
  def dist(i,row1,row2):
    "distance between two values"
    return (sum(c.dist(row1.cells[], row2.cells[]) for c in i.cs.x)**the.p
           / len(i.cols.x))**(1/the.p)
  def sort2(i,row1,row2):
    "Return True if `row1` better than `row2`."
    s1, s2, n = 0, 0, len(i.cols.y)
    for col in i.cols.y:
      a, b = col.norm(, col.norm(
      s1  -= math.exp(col.w * (a - b) / n)
      s2  -= math.exp(col.w * (b - a) / n)
    return s1 / n < s2 / n
  def sorted(i,rows=[]):
    "Sort all `rows`."
    return sorted(rows or i.rows, key=cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: i.sort2(a,b)))
  def stats(i,cols=None, fun="mid", decimals=2):
    "Report statistics on a set of `col`umns (defaults to `i.cols.y`."
    cols = cols or i.cols.y
    def what(col): return col.mid(decimals) if fun=="mid" else col.div(decimals)
    return BAG(mid=BAG(**{"N+":cols[0].n, **{col.txt:what(col) for col in cols}}))



def add(i, row)

For first row, build the cols. Otherwise, update summaries and the rows.

Expand source code
def add(i,row):
  "For first row, build the `cols`. Otherwise, update summaries and the rows."
  if i.cols: i.rows += [i.cols.add(row)]
  else:      i.cols = COLS(row.cells)
def clone(i, rows=[])

Replicate structure of self.

Expand source code
def clone(i,rows=[]):
  "Replicate structure of self."
  return DATA([ROW(i.cols.names)] + rows)
def dist(i, row1, row2)

distance between two values

Expand source code
def dist(i,row1,row2):
  "distance between two values"
  return (sum(c.dist(row1.cells[], row2.cells[]) for c in i.cs.x)**the.p
         / len(i.cols.x))**(1/the.p)
def sort2(i, row1, row2)

Return True if row1 better than row2.

Expand source code
def sort2(i,row1,row2):
  "Return True if `row1` better than `row2`."
  s1, s2, n = 0, 0, len(i.cols.y)
  for col in i.cols.y:
    a, b = col.norm(, col.norm(
    s1  -= math.exp(col.w * (a - b) / n)
    s2  -= math.exp(col.w * (b - a) / n)
  return s1 / n < s2 / n
def sorted(i, rows=[])

Sort all rows.

Expand source code
def sorted(i,rows=[]):
  "Sort all `rows`."
  return sorted(rows or i.rows, key=cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: i.sort2(a,b)))
def stats(i, cols=None, fun='mid', decimals=2)

Report statistics on a set of columns (defaults to i.cols.y.

Expand source code
def stats(i,cols=None, fun="mid", decimals=2):
  "Report statistics on a set of `col`umns (defaults to `i.cols.y`."
  cols = cols or i.cols.y
  def what(col): return col.mid(decimals) if fun=="mid" else col.div(decimals)
  return BAG(mid=BAG(**{"N+":cols[0].n, **{col.txt:what(col) for col in cols}}))
class TREE (data)

Recursively split on the cut (that most distinguishes different klasses).

Expand source code
class TREE(object):
  "Recursively split on the cut (that most distinguishes different klasses)."
  def __init__(i,data):
    lst   = data.sorted()
    n     = int(len(lst)**the.min)
    bests = lst[-n:]
    rests = lst[:n*]
    for row in bests: row.klass = True
    for row in rests: row.klass = False = data
    top =
    i.stop = 2*len(top.rows)**the.min
    i.root = i.grow(top.rows,  BAG(here=top,at=None))

  def grow(i,rows, t):
    t.left,t.right = None,None
    if len(rows) >= i.stop:
      _,at,op,cut,s = i.cut(,, rows)
      if cut:
        left,right = [],[]
        [(left if ops[op](row.cells[at], cut) else right).append(row) for row in rows]
        if len(left) != len(rows) and len(right) != len(rows):
          t.left = i.grow(left,  BAG(, at=at,cut=cut,txt=s,op=op))
          t.right= i.grow(right, BAG(,at=at,cut=cut,txt=s,op=neg[op]))
    return t

  def cut(i,data,cols,rows):
    "Return best `div,at,op,cut,txt` that most divides the klasses in `rows`."
    def sym(col):
      "For syms, just return the one with least diversity of klasses."
      d = {}
      for row in rows:
        x =
        if x !=  "?":
          d[x] = d.get(x, None) or SYM()
          d[x].cut = x
      best = sorted(d.values(), key=lambda s:s.div())[0]
      return best.div(),,"==",best.cut if best.n < col.n else None,col.txt
    def num(col):
      "For nums, just return the cut that most reduces expected diversity."
      X     = lambda row:
      eps   = col.div()*the.cohen
      small = len(rows)**the.min
      all   = sorted([row for row in rows if X(row) != "?"], key=X)
      d1,d2,a,z = SYM(), SYM(), X(all[0]), X(all[-1])
      [d2.add(row.klass) for row in all]
      cut,n2,lo = None,len(all),d2.div()
      for n1,row in enumerate(all):
        n2, x, y = n2-1, X(row), row.klass
        d2.sub( d1.add(y) )
        if n1 > small and n2 > small and x != X(all[n1+1]) and x-a > eps and z-x > eps:
          xpect = (d1.div()*n1 + d2.div()*n2)/(n1+n2)
          if xpect < lo:
            cut,lo = x,xpect
      return lo,,"<=",cut,col.txt
    return sorted([(num(col) if isa(col,NUM) else sym(col)) for col in cols])[0]

  def show(i):
    for lvl,t,isLeaf in i.nodes():
      if lvl==0:
        print("\n"+("|.. " * lvl)+ f"{t.txt} {t.op} {t.cut} ",end="")
        if isLeaf:  print(,end="")

  def nodes(i,t=None,lvl=0):
    t = t or i.root
    yield lvl,t,t.left==None
    for t1 in [t.left,t.right]:
      if t1:
        for lvl2,t2,isLeaf in i.nodes(t1,lvl+1): yield lvl2,t2, isLeaf


def grow(i, rows, t)
Expand source code
def grow(i,rows, t):
  t.left,t.right = None,None
  if len(rows) >= i.stop:
    _,at,op,cut,s = i.cut(,, rows)
    if cut:
      left,right = [],[]
      [(left if ops[op](row.cells[at], cut) else right).append(row) for row in rows]
      if len(left) != len(rows) and len(right) != len(rows):
        t.left = i.grow(left,  BAG(, at=at,cut=cut,txt=s,op=op))
        t.right= i.grow(right, BAG(,at=at,cut=cut,txt=s,op=neg[op]))
  return t
def cut(i, data, cols, rows)

Return best div,at,op,cut,txt that most divides the klasses in rows.

Expand source code
def cut(i,data,cols,rows):
  "Return best `div,at,op,cut,txt` that most divides the klasses in `rows`."
  def sym(col):
    "For syms, just return the one with least diversity of klasses."
    d = {}
    for row in rows:
      x =
      if x !=  "?":
        d[x] = d.get(x, None) or SYM()
        d[x].cut = x
    best = sorted(d.values(), key=lambda s:s.div())[0]
    return best.div(),,"==",best.cut if best.n < col.n else None,col.txt
  def num(col):
    "For nums, just return the cut that most reduces expected diversity."
    X     = lambda row:
    eps   = col.div()*the.cohen
    small = len(rows)**the.min
    all   = sorted([row for row in rows if X(row) != "?"], key=X)
    d1,d2,a,z = SYM(), SYM(), X(all[0]), X(all[-1])
    [d2.add(row.klass) for row in all]
    cut,n2,lo = None,len(all),d2.div()
    for n1,row in enumerate(all):
      n2, x, y = n2-1, X(row), row.klass
      d2.sub( d1.add(y) )
      if n1 > small and n2 > small and x != X(all[n1+1]) and x-a > eps and z-x > eps:
        xpect = (d1.div()*n1 + d2.div()*n2)/(n1+n2)
        if xpect < lo:
          cut,lo = x,xpect
    return lo,,"<=",cut,col.txt
  return sorted([(num(col) if isa(col,NUM) else sym(col)) for col in cols])[0]
def show(i)
Expand source code
def show(i):
  for lvl,t,isLeaf in i.nodes():
    if lvl==0:
      print("\n"+("|.. " * lvl)+ f"{t.txt} {t.op} {t.cut} ",end="")
      if isLeaf:  print(,end="")
def nodes(i, t=None, lvl=0)
Expand source code
def nodes(i,t=None,lvl=0):
  t = t or i.root
  yield lvl,t,t.left==None
  for t1 in [t.left,t.right]:
    if t1:
      for lvl2,t2,isLeaf in i.nodes(t1,lvl+1): yield lvl2,t2, isLeaf
class BAG (*args, **kwargs)

Dictionaries that can be accessed via x["slot"] or x.slot.

Expand source code
class BAG(dict):
  "Dictionaries that can be accessed via `x[\"slot\"]` or `x.slot`."
  __getattr__ = dict.get


  • builtins.dict


class SETTINGS (s)

Parse settings from string.

Expand source code
  "Parse settings from string."
  def __init__(i,s):
    for m in re.finditer(r"\n\s*-\w+\s*--(\w+)[^=]*=\s*(\S+)",s): i[m[1]] = coerce(m[2])
  def cli(i):
    """For k,v in i, update `v` if there is a command-line flag `-k[0]` or `--k`. Note
    that bookean values need no argument (since we will just negate `v`)."""
    for k,v in i.items():
      v = str(v)
      for j,x in enumerate(sys.argv):
        if ("-"+k[0]) == x or ("--"+k) == x:
          v = "True" if v=="False" else ("False" if v=="True" else sys.argv[j+1])
      i[k] = coerce(v)
  def showHelp(i,s):
    "pretty print help string"
    def bold(m):   return colored(m[0], attrs=["bold"])
    def bright(m): return colored(m[0], "light_yellow")
    def pretty(s): return re.sub("\n[A-Z][A-Z]+:", bold, re.sub(" [-][-]?[\S]+", bright, s))
    [print(pretty(f"  -g   {k:8} {f.__doc__}")) for k,f in Egs.all.items() if k[0].isupper()]


  • BAG
  • builtins.dict


def cli(i)

For k,v in i, update v if there is a command-line flag -k[0] or --k. Note that bookean values need no argument (since we will just negate v).

Expand source code
def cli(i):
  """For k,v in i, update `v` if there is a command-line flag `-k[0]` or `--k`. Note
  that bookean values need no argument (since we will just negate `v`)."""
  for k,v in i.items():
    v = str(v)
    for j,x in enumerate(sys.argv):
      if ("-"+k[0]) == x or ("--"+k) == x:
        v = "True" if v=="False" else ("False" if v=="True" else sys.argv[j+1])
    i[k] = coerce(v)
def showHelp(i, s)

pretty print help string

Expand source code
def showHelp(i,s):
  "pretty print help string"
  def bold(m):   return colored(m[0], attrs=["bold"])
  def bright(m): return colored(m[0], "light_yellow")
  def pretty(s): return re.sub("\n[A-Z][A-Z]+:", bold, re.sub(" [-][-]?[\S]+", bright, s))
  [print(pretty(f"  -g   {k:8} {f.__doc__}")) for k,f in Egs.all.items() if k[0].isupper()]
class Egs

Place to store the examples.

Expand source code
class Egs:
  "Place to store the examples."
  all = locals()

  csv = [ "pom.csv",

  def ok():
    "Run everything (except ok,h). Return how often something fails."
    fails, saved = 0, {k:v for k,v in the.items()}
    for what,fun in Egs.all.items():
      if what[0].isupper():
        yell(what + " ","yellow")
        fail = Egs.failure(saved,fun)
        yell(" FAIL\n","red") if fail else yell(" PASS\n","green")
        fails += fail
    yell(f"TOTAL FAILURE(s) = {fails}\n", "red" if fails > 0 else "cyan")

  def failure(saved,fun):
    """Called by `Egs.ok`. `Fun` fails if it returns `False` or if it crashes.
    If it crashes, print the stack dump but then continue on
    Before running it, reset the system to  initial conditions."""
    for k,v in saved.items(): the[k] = v
    fail = False
    try:    fail = fun() == False  # here, fail might be reset to True
    except: fail = True; traceback.print_exc()
    return fail

  def The():
    "print the settings"

  def Rnd():
    "rnd to 2 decimals"
    return 3.14 == rnd(math.pi,2)

  def Num(txt=""):
    "test NUMs"
    n = NUM(txt)
    for x in range(10**4):  n.add(R()**.5)
    return .66 < n.mid() < .67 and .23 <  n.div() < .24 and n

  def Sym(txt=""):
    "test SYMs"
    [s.add(x) for x in "aaaabbc"]
    return "a"==s.mid() and 1.37 <= s.div() < 1.38 and s

  def Rows():
    "Check we can load rows from file."
    for row in list(csv(the.file))[:5]: print(row) #[:5]: print(row)

  def Col():
    "Check we can convert names to NUMs and SYMs."
    [print(x) for x in COLS(["name","Age","Weight-"]).all]

  def Data():
    "Can we load data and get its stats?"

  def Clone():
    "Can we replicate a DATA's structure?"
    d1 = DATA(csv(the.file))
    d2= d1.clone(d1.rows)

  def Sorts():
    "Can we sort rows into `best` and `rest`?"
    d = DATA(csv(the.file))
    lst = d.sorted()
    m   = int(len(lst)**.5)
    best= d.clone(lst[-m:]);         print("all ",d.stats())
    best= d.clone(lst[-m:]);         print("best",best.stats())
    rest= d.clone(lst[:m*]); print("rest",rest.stats())

  def Nodes():
    "Does the TREE iterator work?"
    t1 = TREE(DATA(csv(the.file)))
    for lvl,t2,isLeaf in t1.nodes():
        print("|.. " * lvl,isLeaf)

  def Tree():
    "Does the TREE pretty print work?"
    TREE( DATA(csv(the.file)) ).show()

  def Trees():
    "Test all tree generation of all csv files."
    for f in Egs.csv:
      TREE( DATA(csv(f"../data/{f}")) ).show()

Class variables

var all
var csv


def ok()

Run everything (except ok,h). Return how often something fails.

Expand source code
def ok():
  "Run everything (except ok,h). Return how often something fails."
  fails, saved = 0, {k:v for k,v in the.items()}
  for what,fun in Egs.all.items():
    if what[0].isupper():
      yell(what + " ","yellow")
      fail = Egs.failure(saved,fun)
      yell(" FAIL\n","red") if fail else yell(" PASS\n","green")
      fails += fail
  yell(f"TOTAL FAILURE(s) = {fails}\n", "red" if fails > 0 else "cyan")
def failure(saved, fun)

Called by Egs.ok(). Fun fails if it returns False or if it crashes. If it crashes, print the stack dump but then continue on Before running it, reset the system to initial conditions.

Expand source code
def failure(saved,fun):
  """Called by `Egs.ok`. `Fun` fails if it returns `False` or if it crashes.
  If it crashes, print the stack dump but then continue on
  Before running it, reset the system to  initial conditions."""
  for k,v in saved.items(): the[k] = v
  fail = False
  try:    fail = fun() == False  # here, fail might be reset to True
  except: fail = True; traceback.print_exc()
  return fail
def The()

print the settings

Expand source code
def The():
  "print the settings"
def Rnd()

rnd to 2 decimals

Expand source code
def Rnd():
  "rnd to 2 decimals"
  return 3.14 == rnd(math.pi,2)
def Num(txt='')

test NUMs

Expand source code
def Num(txt=""):
  "test NUMs"
  n = NUM(txt)
  for x in range(10**4):  n.add(R()**.5)
  return .66 < n.mid() < .67 and .23 <  n.div() < .24 and n
def Sym(txt='')

test SYMs

Expand source code
def Sym(txt=""):
  "test SYMs"
  [s.add(x) for x in "aaaabbc"]
  return "a"==s.mid() and 1.37 <= s.div() < 1.38 and s
def Rows()

Check we can load rows from file.

Expand source code
def Rows():
  "Check we can load rows from file."
  for row in list(csv(the.file))[:5]: print(row) #[:5]: print(row)
def Col()

Check we can convert names to NUMs and SYMs.

Expand source code
def Col():
  "Check we can convert names to NUMs and SYMs."
  [print(x) for x in COLS(["name","Age","Weight-"]).all]
def Data()

Can we load data and get its stats?

Expand source code
def Data():
  "Can we load data and get its stats?"
def Clone()

Can we replicate a DATA's structure?

Expand source code
def Clone():
  "Can we replicate a DATA's structure?"
  d1 = DATA(csv(the.file))
  d2= d1.clone(d1.rows)
def Sorts()

Can we sort rows into best and rest?

Expand source code
def Sorts():
  "Can we sort rows into `best` and `rest`?"
  d = DATA(csv(the.file))
  lst = d.sorted()
  m   = int(len(lst)**.5)
  best= d.clone(lst[-m:]);         print("all ",d.stats())
  best= d.clone(lst[-m:]);         print("best",best.stats())
  rest= d.clone(lst[:m*]); print("rest",rest.stats())
def Nodes()

Does the TREE iterator work?

Expand source code
def Nodes():
  "Does the TREE iterator work?"
  t1 = TREE(DATA(csv(the.file)))
  for lvl,t2,isLeaf in t1.nodes():
      print("|.. " * lvl,isLeaf)
def Tree()

Does the TREE pretty print work?

Expand source code
def Tree():
  "Does the TREE pretty print work?"
  TREE( DATA(csv(the.file)) ).show()
def Trees()

Test all tree generation of all csv files.

Expand source code
def Trees():
  "Test all tree generation of all csv files."
  for f in Egs.csv:
    TREE( DATA(csv(f"../data/{f}")) ).show()